Donating your time and making philanthropic contributions part of your financial and estate plan creates the opportunity to help the charities and causes you are fond of now and in the future. We invite you to learn more about the educational, civic, social and philanthropic endeavours we support with our time, energy and expertise. If you'd like to be involved with us, please feel free to contact us to learn more about upcoming events.

Setting up your own foundation can be complicated, expensive and entails much work. The Raymond James Canada Foundation can serve as a facilitator to mobilize the resources of Raymond James and the people at both corporate and grassroots levels.

Through Raymond James Canada Foundation, we can assist you in setting up a Charitable Giving Fund (CGF). CGF accounts are investment vehicles that offer the benefits of a private foundation without the high costs and administrative burdens.

Please note that other Raymond James personnel are in the photographs above, not just the Cadence team.